Friday, September 17, 2010

Here we go another day of lovely doom and gloom and maybe a bunny or two:

Your cell phone can now be used to spy on you

Don't call it global warming now we need to say "Global climate disruption" you know just in case the climate actually does something we can't predict now our bases will be covered.

The IMF is concerned about social unrest do to the world wide economic down turn

Who knew Whooping cough is deadly?

Ever here the one about Zimbabwe, we may face the same thing Hyperinflation in America

Looking to start a new business well it looks like No one wants to start a new bank
Today's hurricane Igor watch

First we got Jersey Shore and now we get Man beats woman with cat

Chicago is short on cops so the cops are protesting

Tornado in New York

Ever wanted to know the 10 worst places to live

Oh by the way no bunnies I lied.

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