Thursday, September 23, 2010

Doctor invents another use for the bra after seeing the effects of nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. Full Story

There may be disagreement about what form the coming Apocalypse will take, but there's no disagreement over getting ready for it. Full Story

Ahmadinejad, addressing the UN General Assembly, says Iran will host a terror conference to investigate who was really behind 9/11. Full Story

Wilton's "Community Emergency Response Team" (CERT) is inviting citizens to participate in their annual disaster preparedness training course. Full Story

And for the WHAAAAAT story of the day:
The Fed says a little more inflation might be just the thing to start a chain reaction that would ultimately create jobs. Full Story

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Climate change, economic collapse and terrorist, oh my!

Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, spoke to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee earlier today where he cited the numerous attempts against American targets over the last year. "During the past year our nation has dealt with the most significant developments in the terrorist threat to the Homeland since 9/11," Michael told the committee. Full Story

France is also receiving what they say is a "very real" threat of terrorist attack. Full Story

California is going on 85 days operating without a budget. Full Story

More Cali news, this time they say that their summer was the coldest in decades, crazy "global warming" or excuse me I mean "global climate disruption". Full Story

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today is another day like any other day.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is in New York for the annual meeting of the U.N. general assembly and he made sure to take time out of his busy schedule to threaten the United States saying that if the US supported Isreal in an attack against Irans nuclear facilities the U.S. would be unprepared for the consequences and that such a war "would know no boundaries" and that "war is not just bombs." Full Story

Would you like your money to be worth more or less? Well if you are our government then your answer would be less, they like inflation because it means their massive debt will actually be less when it is paid off. But to you and me it means things like Wal-Mart eliminating their "rollbacks" on grocery items and actually raising their prices by 5.8% in July from June. Full Story

So if you care about protecting your wealth now you might want to consider silver which is still considered cheap when compared to gold. Historically speaking gold sells at 55 times the price of silver and as of today it is selling at a 61:1 ratio so silver is a bargain for now. Full Story

Fed met on Tuesday to decide what, if any, further actions they would take to help stem the economic mess we currently find ourselves in. They where quoted as saying that it “is prepared to provide additional accommodation if needed to support the economic recovery” suggesting that they may buy more treasury bonds so our government can continue to spend more. Full Story

U.S. net worth has dropped from $64.2 trillion to $53.5 trillion since its peak in 2007. Full Story

And now for our well duh headline of the day: Swallowing Disc Batteries Can Severely Injure A Child's Esophagus
Don't worry everyone the recession ended over a year ago, no really I promise. Mean while back in the real world commercial real estate is taking a dive and some 6 million workers are still on unemployment

North Korea naming new leader lets keep our fingers crossed that his kid is slightly less loony

Global Tax anyone

Just to be 100% sure we head into high inflation the reserve is thinking about having a few trillion more dollars printed

The UK wants all pay checks to go directly to the government first so they can insure they get their share then they will send what is left to the employees

Plot to plant bomb near Wrigley Field

Russia plans to sell missiles to Syria

And to top it all off its not even safe to sit in hammocks anymore

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Here we go again more news from the wacky to the insanely scary:

The slave trade is alive and well in Florida

Plot to kill the pope

Forced 2 week holiday for federal employees

$2 million per job, wow that government of ours sure knows how to spend our money

Hurricane Igor track

Afghans voting for parliament these people face deadly violence just to cast their vote, remember that when you head to the poles

Foreclosures up again

Now they say it may have been 2 tornadoes in NY

Friday, September 17, 2010

Here we go another day of lovely doom and gloom and maybe a bunny or two:

Your cell phone can now be used to spy on you

Don't call it global warming now we need to say "Global climate disruption" you know just in case the climate actually does something we can't predict now our bases will be covered.

The IMF is concerned about social unrest do to the world wide economic down turn

Who knew Whooping cough is deadly?

Ever here the one about Zimbabwe, we may face the same thing Hyperinflation in America

Looking to start a new business well it looks like No one wants to start a new bank
Today's hurricane Igor watch

First we got Jersey Shore and now we get Man beats woman with cat

Chicago is short on cops so the cops are protesting

Tornado in New York

Ever wanted to know the 10 worst places to live

Oh by the way no bunnies I lied.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Every morning I go through a few sites getting the news, so I have decided to use my blog as a place to consolidate everything I see that relates to survival, disasters, wars, the economy and politics and maybe a few other things that catch my eye.

So here is today's links:

Runaway inflation and silver hitting $100

American families in poverty to hit record highs in 2010

IMF warns of economic slow down. Did I miss the part where we had caught back up, oh wait a minute I forgot about the "Recovery Summer" now that would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

First the world was getting to hot now it seems it is going to get chilli for a while. I wish these weather guys would make up their minds so I could know what to ware.

Foreclosures and repo's are up to new record highs.

Hurricanes Igor and Julia are making history in the Atlantic